Workers comp insurance provides coverage for employees that are injured while performing their job duties. This coverage might also be called work comp insurance and in most locations, companies are required to carry it. Private workers comp insurance companies offer plans in most states, while other locations have state run programs.
Finding worker comp insurance coverage can take some time, so simplify your life and use NetQuote to get FREE, no-obligation worker's comp insurance quotes from top providers. As a leading online business insurance aggregator,, lets you complete a simple secure form online and quickly hear back from multiple workers comp insurance companies. You can choose from a variety of plans and rates, allowing you to pick the best coverage option for your company.
Before a workers comp policy was available, employees would typically have to sue their employers in order to have on-the-job injury expenses paid for by the company. Now, with workers comp insurance, a no-fault type of insurance, employees don't have to prove that their company was at fault for their injuries before getting treatment paid for. Regardless of who is responsible for an on-the-job injury, work comp insurance provides coverage for the injured employee., with the introduction of worker comp insurance near the beginning of the 20th century, employers found it much easier to get the medical aid they needed, while the number of lawsuits against employers for job injury related claims was greatly reduced. A business had the potential to lose a lot of money when being sued for job related injuries, and employees would often have to wait a long time before being paid. Therefore, having the protection of a workers comp policy benefits all parties involved.
Many states have laws that require a worker's comp insurance policy to be in place, allowing for injured employees to receive quick medical care, as well as disability payments, while limiting the cost to companies. When an employee agrees to use workers comp insurance, they are agreeing to not bring a tort lawsuit against their employer. They receive quick payment for injuries and time away from work, while giving up some rights to sue for further damages.
The very nature of work comp insurance offers protection to both sides - both the employee and the employer benefit. Because of the merits of this coverage, most states require this coverage to be carried by employers, thus allowing employees the prompt medical care they deserve when they are injured on the job.
Quickly filter through top workers comp insurance companies when you use NetQuote's FREE, no-obligation service to locate work comp insurance quotes. The simple act of completing one secure online form allows you to promptly receive quotes from top insurance providers. You can pick and choose from the quotes you receive to get the best coverage at the right rates.,today to get your FREE, no-obligation workers comp insurance quotes from top providers.