Dental Insurance Quotes
Receive FREE Dental Insurance Quotes From Leading Insurance Providers
Having access to dental insurance is an important part of maintaining good oral health. If your don't get dental insurance coverage through an employer, you need to consider getting a dental policy on your own. Get instant, FREE,, online dental insurance quotes from leading dental insurance providers when you visit eHealthInsurance.
Dental insurance works in a similar fashion to medical insurance. You pay a monthly premium in return for a certain level of coverage for dental care. You have the choice of an indemnity or managed care style dental plan. The difference between these styles is how the claim is paid. With an indemnity dental plan, you have to pay for dental care upfront and seek reimbursement from your insurance plan. A managed care style dental plan handles the billing directly, assuming you use an in-network dentist.
With most dental plans, you will be responsible for an annual deductible., is generally a very small amount, especially when compared to the large deductibles found with many medical insurance plans. There is also generally a per person annual maximum benefit amount with dental plans. This usually ranges from $500 per year to $2000 per year, with $1000 being fairly common.
Your teeth can play an extremely important role in your overall health, so maintaining good oral health just makes sense. If you don't want to pay for all of your dental expenses out-of-pocket, you need to look into what dental insurance plans are available to you. With eHealthInsurance's easy to use online interface, you are able to get FREE, no-obligation, instant dental insurance quotes from leading insurance companies, allowing you to compare your options from the comforts of your computer.
The rates that are displayed on the eHeathInsurance website are the lowest available for a particular plan., is because dental insurance rates are approved by the Insurance Commissioner of your state. So no matter where you purchase a particular plan from, you will always be paying the exact same rate.
Visit eHeathInsurance today to get your FREE, no-obligation dental insurance quotes online!