Believe it or not, there are lessons to be learned by looking at why surety bond coverage is required. Even if your company isn’t in an industry that requires surety bond coverage,,taking a look at why bonds are required in certain instances can be a good lesson in the right ways of running your business.
Did you know that the largest source of theft a company is most likely to experience is their very own employees? That is enough to keep the average business owner up at night. Learn about employee theft and what you can do to help prevent your employees from stealing from your business.
Unless you are an small business insurance expert, you probably don’t know more than just the basics about commercial insurance coverage., is probably why a lot of entrepreneurs don’t have anything more than a standard business owners policy providing coverage for their company. That may not be a smart idea…
January 1 represents a day in which many companies face higher insurance rate premiums. This is the case in Connecticut, where after a decade of relatively stagnant workers comp insurance rates, they are faced with what turns out to be the second highest rate increase in the country.